Life in my 20s

Knowing when to take a break.

Yesterday I decided that I wanted to take a trip to the beach today.

I was all set and primed to spend my day in Santa Cruz and enjoy my time over the hill. Worked out and was ready to go. Then we (as a family) were going to take down all the Christmas decorations. BLEH. Exactly what I did not want to do this morning. This put me in a mood. We cleaned up all the Christmas decor and put it away. After everything, I just decided I was going to go to Santa Cruz regardless of my mood and whatever else that was going on.

When I go over the hill, there is something that happens on the drive and it calms and relaxes me. Today was no exception. It also started raining last night and was a pretty gloomy day today, so there was fog in the trees and sprinkles on my windshield. I was slowly coming out of my weird mood. Thank goodness.

I drove through downtown Santa Cruz and stopped at the beach and just took a minute to sit and breathe. It was great. After taking a pic of the beach (pics or it didn’t happen :P) I drove to one of my favoritest coffee shops, the Ugly Mug. I ordered a coffee ❤ and sat and wrote in my journal. I got everything out on paper, so cathartic. #yass

Long story, short…bad mood, made better by a quick trip to Santa Cruz and writing and getting my feelings out. Know when to take a break for yourself. YAY!



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