Confessions · Dream Reader · NaBloPoMo · November 2014

Dream Reader.

How are you my friend?

I miss you terribly. By the looks of social media and the small snippets we’ve talked, life seems to be treating you well. You’re adjusting to the new chapter of life you’re in and enjoying it. I know that life is busy for the pair of us. Plus the time difference does absolutely nothing to help with our missing communication. But we’re making the best of it.

Yesterday I really missed you. I wanted to be able to drive to your house and sit, laugh, and talk for hours. I just wanted to be around you. To escape the world and hang out. But you are there and I am here. July seems like a lifetime ago. I can’t believe that was the last time I saw you. And I can’t believe that it won’t be until July again that get to I see you. My move to Spain has made me realize more than ever how much I value your friendship. Throughout the different stages in our lives, we’ve been there for each other. We seem to always be able to pick up right where we left off. My friendship with you by no means is easy, but it’s a good one. At least I think so 😉

I wonder how this year (really apart) will affect our friendship. I don’t want things to go back to the way they were before, but I still want you there. I still want the familiarity and comfort-ability that we’ve cultivated. This is when my fear of time and growth comes into play. What will happen with all of this time apart and growth happening? Will our friendship stand the test of time? Will we come out stronger or more estranged? Major FOMO.

Honestly, I don’t want to lose your friendship. I still want you apart of my life. There I said it. I’d be lying if I said otherwise. No matter what happens know that you important to me. We will just have to wait and see how important I am to you. The waiting and unknown that I experience with you, kills me sometimes. I just hope that in the end it is all worth it.

Here’s to the future. Love me ❤

3 thoughts on “Dream Reader.

  1. Oh how we miss you too….near or far you are forever in our hearts! We will always be there for you and each and every experience your going through is all WORTH it!! Love you, Nana & Aunt B ❤


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