NaBloPoMo · November 2014

When you call, He’ll answer.

Last night at church we saw a tangible answer to our prayers. 6 weeks ago a girl studying abroad here in Spain was on her way to our church, when she was hit by a car. I don’t remember all the details, by for awhile it was pretty serious and the doctors were unsure what her recovery would look like. Well last night, Jen was sitting in the fourth row at church with her parents. What a blessing and true testament to faith and the power of prayer. I wish I would have talked to her last night, but hopefully next week. The crazy thing was that I initially didn’t think it was possible that it could be her at church. In my mind, I didn’t think she was healthy enough to go out and about. But so grateful that she’s on the road to recovery.

It was just a great reminder of the power of prayer and what an awesome God we have. I can only imagine what Jen and her family have gone through the past 6 weeks. And to me it’s evident that they made it by faith. Faith that Jen would recover. Faith that the doctors would be able to help her. I pray that God continues to bless Jen and her family. Don’t give up. And don’t stop fighting.

I know that sometimes, I’m not as diligent with my prayer “list.” Like I stated earlier, last night seeing Jen and her family, was such a strong reminder for me. Praying for peace and comfort and healing. Thanks God for raining down your countless blessings.

Have you had a situation invoke a strong emotion, like Jen’s did for me? What’s your go to when the tough situations rise up?

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